CBSE result

Toppers - Class XII
Overall Performance Profile
Total Number of students 148
School Average 82.83%
First Division 100%
90% above 41
80% above 88
Total Distinctions 553
Toppers - Class XII
Overall Performance Profile
Total Number of students 179
School Average 81.6%
First Division 96.6%
90% above 44
80% above 114
Total Distinctions 691
Toppers - Class XII
Toppers - Class XII
Toppers - Class X
Overall Summary - 2023-24
Total (%)
Total Number of students 167
Pass 165 99.40%
First Division 135 81.33%
School Average 374 74.72%
Highest Aggregate 480 96.00%
Important Links For Result
Students scoring 90% and above Subject Toppers
Toppers - Class X
Co-Scholastic - 2022-23
Total Number of students 161
School Average 77.83%
First Division 146
90% above 31
80% above 80
Total Distinctions 635
Important Links For Result
Students scoring 90% and above Subject Toppers
Toppers - Class X
Important Links For Result
Students scoring 90% and above Subject Toppers
Toppers - Class X
Important Links For Result
Students scoring 90% and above Subject Toppers