Our Mission & Vision

The motto of our school is a prayer from the depth of the heart eulogizing the Almighty to take us from 'asat' to 'sat' i.e. from the untruth to the truth. It is a prayer that leads one from darkness to light and brings one closer to God. As Mamsians, we grow up with a belief that God is one and omnipresent.

Our mission
  • To impart holistic education for life-long learning
  • To inculcate honesty and intellectual integrity
  • To nurture empathetic and compassionate learners with values of brotherhood and humanity
  • To train the students to respect the cultural and traditional values
  • To foster patriotism
  • To make environment sensitive citizens who care for the planet
  • To address the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of a child's life thereby presenting the society a sustainable adult who would be emotionally balanced and eager to serve the nation
  • To impart inclusive education and serve the community
  • To provide seemingly paired opportunities for all genders To provide facilities with state-of-the-art infrastructure
  • To enable the learners to learn about self and wisdom of life in a self-exploratory manner
  • To instill systematic and scientific way through formal education
  • To instill ecosensitivity amongst the students and provide a platform to give vent to their expression for mother planet